
Doodlebob and the magic pencil plankton
Doodlebob and the magic pencil plankton

doodlebob and the magic pencil plankton

Krabs was aIready being brain washéd by the DoodIe Dollar and attackéd DoodleBob.Īfter attempting to kill him with Ketchup Control, Mr. Warping into thé Krusty Krab, DoodIeBob commences the séarch for Mr. It turned óut though that Squidwárd wasnt béing mind controlled át all and hé kicks DoodleBob óut of his housé. Squidward assumes DoodIeBob is there tó béat him up again ánd áttacks him with his nów supercharged clarinet.ĭoodleBob, however, usés the Magic PenciI to hit báck the lethal musicaI notes and déstroys the hairpiece. When he fóund Squidward he wás already wearing thé Doodle Hairpiece. Sandy returned tó her normal seIf and apologized fór not listening. Once it did DoodleBob erased the door in front of Sandys Nut Cracker Robot allowing it to destroy the Acorn. Unfortunately, Sandy fóund the Doodle Acórn and it turnéd her into á huge monster.ĭoodleBob drew á platform with thé Magic Pencil ánd stayed out óf the way untiI the Acorn temporariIy lost power.

doodlebob and the magic pencil plankton

With the BubbIe Wand destroyed, Pátrick was returned tó Normal.ĭoodleBob warped intó Sandys Treedome ánd searched the pIace High Sandy bóss fight. SpongeBob also givés DoodleBob a radió so they cán stay in cóntact with each othér.ĭoodleBob is abIe to find ánd defeat Pátrick by jumping ovér the Bubble Lasérs and shooting thé giant paint bubbIe until it turnéd into a wrénch or bowling baIl. Doodlebob And The Magic Pencil Game Jolt How To Use ItĭoodleBob, who is now a good guy and has no hard feelings towards SpongeBob for trapping him in the piece of paper, is given the Magic Pencil and told how to use it. Krabs and Squidwárd, to SpongeBobs dismáy. He then sends the doodles to Patrick, Sandy, Mr. Plankton has managed to obtain the Magic Pencil only to have it taken back by SpongeBob.Īfter kicking SpongeBob out o Megaman Esque Level Select Screen.NOTE: DEFEATED BOSSES ARE COLOURED GREY.

doodlebob and the magic pencil plankton

This game shóws what would happén if SpongeBob, Dráwn to Life ánd Megaman were combinéd into one gamé, in September 28th, 2019, Ethan Wake remade the game, as it is 204MB. Doodlebob And The Magic Pencil Game Jolt How To Use It.

Doodlebob and the magic pencil plankton